At the upcoming fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution in Busan, Republic of Korea, AMBR will host a workshop outlining the principles of mission-based recycling and why recycling is not the answer to the plastic crisis.
If you plan to attend the global plastic treaty negotiations, please join us on Tuesday, November 26, for “Recycling Unpackaged: What Works, What Doesn’t, and
What Never Will” from 14:30 to 16:00 KST in Meeting Room 123 at BEXCO 2.
The session will be hosted by AMBR and feature Martin Bourque, AMBR Director and Executive Director of the Ecology Center; Katie Drews, AMBR National Coordinator and Co-President of Eureka Recycling; Alex Danovitch, AMBR Director and Director of Business Development for Recycle Ann Arbor; and Dr. Anja Brandon, Director of U.S. Plastics Policy for the Ocean Conservancy.

We cannot recycle our way out of the plastics crisis. Too much single-use plastic is being produced, most of which was never designed to be recycled.
A global plastic treaty must:
- Significantly reduce plastic production;
- Eliminate problematic and unnecessary plastics;
- Stop investments in false solutions; and
- Prioritize reuse and redesign targets.